The author, who fought as a private in the Army of Northern Virginia during the Civil War, describes the Confederate soldier’s daily struggles with hu...
Four Weeks in the Trenches offers a first-hand account of the harrowing experiences of a soldier on the Eastern Front during World War I. Through Frit...
In a future where disputes are settled through virtual duels, a machine called the Dueling Machine provides a safe, simulated environment for combat....
This book, written by Boyd Cable, a British soldier during World War I, offers a firsthand account of the horrors and realities of trench warfare on t...
This memoir recounts the experiences of Lieutenant Richard Haigh during World War I, focusing on his service in the British Army's Tank Corps. The boo...
This book chronicles the experiences of Company B, 307th Infantry during World War I. Focusing on the unit's involvement with the 77th Division, the...
Heywood Broun's 'A.E.F.: With General Pershing and the American Forces' provides a firsthand account of the American Expeditionary Forces during World...
This collection of poetry explores the experiences of a wartime aviator, offering a raw and deeply personal look at the emotional toll of combat. The...
Robert James Cressman's 'Infamous Day' offers a detailed and moving account of the Marine Corps' experiences during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbo...
This book is a collection of letters written by Stuart Walcott while training to be an aviator in France during World War I. Walcott's letters provide...
'Combat Lessons Number 1: Rank and File in Combat' is a collection of firsthand accounts from American soldiers during World War II. Compiled by the U...