Set in the bustling 1920s New York City, "Girl at Central" follows Molly Morganthau, a day operator at the telephone exchange. When a murder occurs, M...
Clara Vaughan, the intrepid heroine of R. D. Blackmore's detective novel, embarks on a perilous quest to unravel the mystery of her father's murder. S...
This book, "On Secret Service" by William Nelson Taft, presents a collection of true stories based on real cases solved by the U.S. Secret Service. In...
This book presents a series of interconnected detective stories that unfold in a distinctive manner. It departs from the extraordinary feats of charac...
This collection of short stories features the iconic detective duo, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, as they unravel intriguing mysteries and solve per...
Craig Kennedy is a brilliant detective who uses his knowledge of science, medicine, and criminology to solve baffling cases of murder and mystery. In...