Karawane is a poem by Hugo Ball, a key figure in the Dadaist movement. It is renowned for its use of nonsensical words and its rejection of traditiona...
Simultan Krippenspiel (Concert bruitiste) is a dadaistic Christmas play by Hugo Ball. It is written almost entirely in sounds and noises, a characteri...
Sonnets from the Patagonian is a witty, irreverent, and historically important collection of sonnets that captures the essence of the early Modernist...
"Katerpoesie" is a collection of humorous and satirical poems by Paul Scheerbart. Known for his playful and unconventional style, Scheerbart's poems e...
This collection of poems by Emmy Hennings explores the themes of love, loss, religion, and spirituality. Hennings, who was married to Hugo Ball, a fou...