In a futuristic world where technology and psychic abilities intertwine, "Talents, Incorporated" explores the complexities of human nature and the con...
Carl von Clausewitz's *On War* is a seminal work on military strategy, written by a Prussian military theorist and officer who served in the Napoleoni...
Pat Travis, a spacer renowned for his luck, is suddenly quite out of it. His job is to beat his competitors to sign newly-Contacted human races to com...
In the wake of a devastating World War IV, a disillusioned soldier discovers he possesses a remarkable ability that could potentially end the conflict...
The Book of Proverbs, a collection of wise sayings and practical advice, offers timeless guidance for navigating life's challenges. Written thousands...
This book delves into the complexities of entering into a lifelong commitment, addressing common pitfalls and offering practical advice for making inf...
April's Lady is a captivating Victorian romance set in England. Joyce, the central character, finds herself the object of affection from two distinct...
Political ScienceNon-FictionReference workScienceEducation
Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds is a comprehensive analysis of potential global trends and their impact on the world by the National Intelligen...