This classic collection of fairy tales from around the world has captivated generations of readers with its timeless stories of magic, adventure, and...
In 'Liebe der Erika Ewald', Stefan Zweig delves into the complexities of love and its potential pitfalls. The story follows Erika, a talented pianist,...
This volume, published in 1820, represents the second issue of a monthly magazine dedicated to agricultural advancements and rural living. Its focus i...
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu's Turkish Embassy Letters is a collection of letters written by Lady Mary to her sister, Lady Mar, and other friends and acq...
This volume, part of an eight-volume series, explores the lives and achievements of prominent figures from European history. It delves into the milita...
This collection of folktales, fables, and legends compiled from twenty different books published in 1928 offers a diverse exploration of narratives fr...
Fairy TaleMythologyNon-FictionChildren's Literature
This anthology, 'Tales of 1927,' collects a diverse range of folktales, fables, and legends from various cultures and historical periods. Compiled fro...