The Drums of Jeopardy is a 1920 American novel by Harold MacGrath. The story was serialized by the The Saturday Evening Post beginning in January of 1...
Fantômas, the first in a series of 32 novels, introduces a ruthless and enigmatic criminal who terrorizes Paris. Inspector Juve, obsessed with capturi...
The Ghost Breaker is a classic haunted house horror novel that follows the story of Warren, a ghost breaker from Kentucky, who is called to investigat...
Told Under a White Oak Tree follows the adventures of William S. Hart, a renowned silent film cowboy, as seen through the eyes of his loyal horse. Thi...
Manon Lescaut es una apasionante historia de amor, virtud y razón. En un torbellino de emociones, los personajes se dejan llevar por la pasión, enfren...
This book, written by acclaimed director Peter Bogdanovich, offers an insightful analysis of the cinematic genius of Orson Welles. Bogdanovich, known...
This book, 'Shadowland: September, 1919,' is a compilation of articles and creative works from the American magazine 'Shadowland' published in Septemb...
Mind Dark is a collection of poems by Henry Bellamann, an American author, poet, and music professor at Vassar College. Bellamann is best known for hi...
Shadowland was an American monthly magazine that covered art, dance, and film from 1919 to 1923. It featured art deco illustrations, caricatures, phot...