Merton of the Movies follows the journey of Merton Gill, a naive but determined young man from a small town in Illinois, who arrives in Hollywood with...
Hattie of Hollywood follows the journey of Hattie Johnson, a young factory girl with no aspirations for fame or beauty, who finds herself thrust into...
Published in 1922, "The Sins of Hollywood" is a scathing exposé of the film industry's perceived moral failings. Written anonymously (later revealed t...
Souls for Sale is a novel set in 1920s Hollywood, exploring the moral complexities and perceived vice within the film industry. Mem Steddon, a young w...
Mollie of the Movies is a light-hearted novel that follows the journey of a young woman named Mollie as she navigates the world of Hollywood in the ea...
This memoir, written in a conversational and humorous style, offers a glimpse into the world of Bonnie Delane, a renowned silent film star. Delane, kn...
This book, written by Samuel Goldwyn, one of the founding fathers of the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) film studio, provides an insider's perspective on t...