In 'Coquette Vrouw,' Ina, a woman with a talent for captivating men, finds herself trapped in a marriage that fails to ignite her spirit. Her desire f...
In Balzac's 'Love in a Mask,' a captivating tale of societal intrigue and concealed identities, a wealthy young widow encounters a gallant cavalry off...
In the Victorian era of high society, Mrs. Barnaby, a vain and presumptuous woman, embarks on a quest to secure a wealthy husband. Her lack of social...
In 'Variations on Flirtation,' renowned Brazilian chronicler João do Rio offers a witty and incisive exploration of courtship rituals in early 20th ce...
My Flirtations' by Ella Hepworth Dixon is a witty and observant semi-autobiographical novel that provides a unique feminine perspective on Victorian s...
In "David Ransom's Watch," Pansy (Isabella Macdonald Alden) explores the intricate tapestry of human choices and their profound impact on the lives of...
Destiny, Volume 2, is the final novel by Susan Edmonstone Ferrier, set primarily in the Scottish Highlands. The story explores intricate romantic enta...