''Morning, Noon and Night'' is a collection of poetry by James Weldon Johnson, a prominent figure in the Harlem Renaissance. The poems reflect on them...
This book, written by James Weldon Johnson, explores themes of African American identity, cultural heritage, and the relationship between nature and h...
“The Gift to Sing” is a collection of poems by James Weldon Johnson, a prominent figure of the Harlem Renaissance. The poems explore themes of African...
Dawn's Awake! is a collection of poems by Otto Leland Bohanan, an African-American poet who was active during the Harlem Renaissance. The poems in thi...
“The South” by Langston Hughes is a powerful poem that offers a stark and unflinching portrayal of the South during the Jim Crow era. Using vivid imag...
Langston Hughes's *Fine Clothes to the Jew* is a collection of poems that reflects the complexities of Black identity and experience in the early 20th...