Pirates of Ersatz is a tongue-in-cheek space adventure that follows Bron, the offspring of infamous space pirates, as he tries to break free from his...
In a future where the speed of light is easily surpassed and the electromagnetic spectrum is a potent tool, 'Triplanetary' follows the adventures of a...
Little Fuzzy is a classic science fiction novel by H. Beam Piper that explores the ethical implications of first contact with an intelligent alien spe...
In the midst of a groundbreaking discovery, Dr. Richard Seaton finds himself caught in a web of intrigue and conflict. His invention, a revolutionary...
Skylark Three picks up where The Skylark of Space left off, with Richard Seaton and his companions facing new threats in the vastness of space. DuQue...
The Man in the Moone is an early science fiction novel by Francis Godwin, first published in 1638. It tells the story of Domingo Gonsales, a Spanish t...
In 'Islands of Space,' a group of Earth scientists embark on a daring interstellar voyage aboard a vessel capable of exceeding the speed of light. The...
Set on a distant planet, "Thralls of the Endless Night" follows the story of a group of survivors who find themselves stranded after a crash landing....