The Blue Cat of Castle Town tells the story of a unique blue kitten who, unlike ordinary kittens, can hear and learn the song of the river. This abili...
The Kitten's Garden of Verses is a collection of playful and humorous poems designed for young feline readers. Inspired by Robert Louis Stevenson's cl...
Kittyboy's Christmas follows the intertwined stories of young Elinor, who passionately believes in Santa Claus and encourages her friend Bill to write...
This heartwarming story follows the adventures of Tommy, a young kitten who accidentally gets shipped to Connecticut in a mailbag. Tommy embarks on a...
Charlie and his kitten, Topsy, embark on delightful adventures that teach valuable lessons about friendship, self-discovery, and the joy of embracing...
This heartwarming story follows two sisters, Lucy and Dora, as they navigate the joys and challenges of family life. From camping trips to school day...
Pussy Black-Face is a misadventurous and curious kitten who finds herself in a variety of comical situations as she explores her surroundings. Through...