In "Gossip in a Library," Edmund Gosse, a renowned literary figure of the Victorian era, invites readers into his personal collection of books. Throug...
In the heart of bustling Chicago, Lucile, a college student, witnesses a perplexing sight at the university library where she works. A young girl, see...
E.W. Hornung, a renowned novelist, chronicles his experiences on the Western Front during World War I in this poignant memoir. Following the tragic de...
Anne Lynch Botta's *Thoughts in a Library* is a collection of essays that explore the power and influence of literature. Botta, a prominent figure in...
Silas Weir Mitchell, a renowned physician and author, offers a collection of captivating short stories that explore the intricacies of the human exper...
A la sombra de un roble es un diario personal de Enrique Menéndez y Pelayo, donde el autor, un médico con una gran pasión por la escritura, reflexiona...