Житія и похвалы святыхъ подобятся свѣтлостію звѣздамъ: якоже бо звѣзды положеніемъ на небеси утвержденны суть, всю же поднебесную просвѣщаютъ, тыяжде...
В малкото село Люляково се сблъскват грозно човешката алчност, омраза и жажда за власт. Ала в душите на враждуващите все още има път за светлината на...
A heartwarming folk tale about the origins of the Christmas tree, blending pagan and Christian traditions to convey the message of hope, renewal, and...
Joel, a young boy living in Galilee during the time of Jesus, is crippled and unable to play with the other children. He is lonely and has nothing to...
Miss Philura is a mild-mannered spinster living in a small American town. After attending a lecture that inspires her to embrace the power of positive...
The book centers on the town of Llantrisant in Wales, which experiences a peculiar and seemingly miraculous event. This event, lasting only a few days...