''Bizarre'' by Lawton Mackall is a collection of humorous essays that offer a fresh and insightful perspective on ordinary objects and events. Through...
'If I May' is a collection of short essays by A. A. Milne, known for his Winnie-the-Pooh stories and poetry. These essays, originally published in var...
A humorous and observational tale about the eccentric inhabitants of a charming British seaside town. Quiller-Couch's wry wit and keen eye for human n...
In 17 Bildern entwirft Anna Croissant-Rust Geschichten, die vom Tod geprägt sind. Ihre genaue Beobachtungsfähigkeit und ihr reifer Schreibstil zeichne...
A playful description of the most notable days of the year in British culture, from the traditional holidays like Christmas and Easter to the more qui...