This collection, titled 'Atlantic Classics by Various,' brings together sixteen essays initially deemed worthy but ultimately passed over for publicat...
Harper's Young People was an illustrated weekly publication for children, which included serialized and one-off short stories, tales from history, poe...
This book is a collection of articles, poems, and color plates about birds. It was published monthly from 1898-1907 by the Nature Study Publishing Com...
The Rover was a mid-19th-century American literary magazine publishing original and selected short stories and poetry, with engravings. This is the el...
The Rover was a weekly magazine published from 1843 to 1855. It featured a variety of content, including short stories, poetry, and engravings. This p...
The Rover was a weekly magazine published in the United States from 1843 to 1848. It featured a mix of original and selected short stories, poems, and...
The Rover was a weekly magazine published in 1843 by Seba Smith and Lawrence Labree. The editors aimed at a high quality standard in their selection o...
Captain Billy's Whiz Bang was a monthly humor magazine published by Fawcett Publications from 1919 to 1942. It was one of the most popular humor magaz...
The Black Cat was a popular American literary magazine from the 1890s to the 1920s, known for publishing original short stories, often with uncanny or...