Miniature is a collection of poems by George Pope Morris, an American editor, poet, and songwriter. The poems in this collection are characterized by...
A collection of stories and accounts related to sorcery, witchcraft, and the supernatural from French folklore, compiled by the mysterious author Math...
Betty Baird, a girl who enjoys reading boarding school stories, finds herself living one. Sent to The Pines, a boarding school where wealth and popula...
“Captain Billy's Whiz Bang” was a popular American humor magazine published from 1919 to 1940. Known for its witty and often irreverent humor, it feat...
'Captain Billy's Whiz Bang' was a popular American magazine known for its humorous content. Each issue, published bi-weekly, featured jokes, quips, an...
This issue of "Captain Billy's Whiz Bang" is a collection of humorous writing and illustrations from 1921. It reflects the social attitudes and humor...
Captain Billy's Whiz Bang was an iconic magazine of wit and humor launched by W.H. Fawcett in 1919. Each issue was packed with jokes, quips, and humor...