Pee-Wee Harris is a classic children's adventure novel that follows the titular character, a young boy scout who visits his aunt and uncle in the smal...
Dale Tompkins, a young boy eager to prove his worth, joins the Boy Scouts and embarks on a journey filled with adventures and challenges. As a Tenderf...
In this exciting adventure story, Thad and his fellow scouts embark on a camping trip to Sturgeon Island in Lake Superior. They are tasked with collec...
Pee-Wee Harris, the lovable and perpetually hungry Boy Scout, embarks on another series of misadventures in this heartwarming tale. Despite his tenden...
Pee-wee Harris is a young boy who loves to go on scouting adventures. In this book, he and his friends go on a camping trip to Bridgeboro. But things...
In the years 1842-1844, scout Christopher Carson and Lieutenant John Charles Fremont led a brave company of explorers on a perilous journey from the e...