
Lifetime: 1825 - 1890 Passed: ≈ 135 years ago




Camilo Castelo Branco

Books by Camilo Castelo Branco

Noites de insomnia, offerecidas a quem não póde dormir, volume 1 Cover image

Noites de insomnia, offerecidas a quem não póde dormir, volume 1

Philosophy Non-Fiction Essays Psychology
Short Stories Satire Humor Philosophy Psychology Insomnia Essays 19th century literature Portuguese Literature

Noites de Insônia is a collection of essays and short stories by Camilo Castelo Branco, one of the most important writers of Portuguese literature. The book is divided into twelve volumes, each of which contains a variety of pieces on different topic...

Amor de Perdição Cover image

Amor de Perdição

Romance Drama Novel Tragedy
Tragedy Crime Fate Social Class Justice Passion Forbidden Love Despair Intrigue Love Story Family secrets Portuguese Literature

Amor de Perdição, a powerful novel by Camilo Castelo Branco, delves into the tumultuous world of forbidden love, societal constraints, and the tragic consequences of passion. Set in 19th-century Portugal, the story unfolds against the backdrop of a...

Noites de insomnia, offerecidas a quem não póde dormir, volume 2 Cover image

Noites de insomnia, offerecidas a quem não póde dormir, volume 2

Non-Fiction Essays
Thoughts Literature Short Stories Reflection Prose Writing Night Insomnia Essays Portuguese Themes Varied

“Noites de Insomnia” é uma coleção de ensaios escritos por Camilo Castelo Branco, um proeminente escritor português. Estes ensaios refletem sobre uma vasta gama de tópicos, inspirados pelas inúmeras noites de insônia do autor. A obra é caracterizada...

Estrelas Propícias Cover image

Estrelas Propícias

Romance Fiction Drama Novel
Romanticism Social Mobility Conflict Intrigue Novel Portuguese Literature Social problems Love and Marriage 19th Century Portugal Arranged Marriages Patrimonial Interests Camilo Castelo Branco

Estrelas Propícias, a novel by Camilo Castelo Branco, delves into the complexities of 19th-century Portuguese society. The story unfolds around a central conflict: the clash between personal desires and the societal pressure of arranged marriages for...