
Lifetime: 1835 - 1913 Passed: ≈ 112 years ago




Deborah Alcock

Books by Deborah Alcock

Spanish Brothers Cover image

Spanish Brothers

Fiction History Religion
Faith Persecution Historical Protestantism Martyrdom Spanish Inquisition

Set against the backdrop of the Spanish Inquisition, this historical novel follows the plight of two brothers, Juan and Carlos, adhering to their Protestant faith amidst intense persecution and religious turmoil. The story explores themes of courage,...

Dark Year of Dundee Cover image

Dark Year of Dundee

Fiction History Religion Biography
Biography Historical Fiction Christianity Persecution Scotland Reformation Martyrdom George Wishart

The Dark Year of Dundee tells the story of George Wishart, a 16th-century Scottish reformer who was burned at the stake for his beliefs. The book is based on historical events and provides a glimpse into the religious and political struggles of the t...