Image of Jacint Verdaguer i Santaló


Lifetime: 1845 - 1902 Passed: ≈ 122 years ago


Poet, Writer



Jacint Verdaguer i Santaló

Jacint Verdaguer i Santaló (May 17, 1845 – June 10, 1902) was a Catalan poet, regarded as one of the greatest poets of Catalan literature and a prominent literary figure of the Renaixença, a cultural revival movement of the late Romantic era.

Verdaguer was born in Folgueroles, Spain, to a poor family. He was largely self-educated, and he began writing poetry at a young age. He was influenced by the Catalan Romantic poets of the 19th century, such as Joan Maragall and Víctor Balaguer.

Verdaguer's first major work was the epic poem L'Atlàntida (1877), which tells the story of the destruction of Atlantis. The poem was a critical and commercial success, and it established Verdaguer as one of the leading poets of Catalan literature.

Verdaguer went on to write many other poems, including Canigó (1886), a poem about the Catalan Pyrenees, and Els set gots de sang (1896), a poem about the Catalan Revolt of 1640. He also wrote several plays, including La filla del mar (1874) and L'orfe dels catalans (1880).

Verdaguer was a devout Catholic, and his poetry often reflects his religious faith. He was also a strong supporter of Catalan nationalism, and his poetry helped to promote Catalan culture and language.

Verdaguer died in Barcelona in 1902 at the age of 57. He is remembered as one of the greatest poets of Catalan literature, and his work continues to be read and enjoyed by people all over the world.

Key Principles

  • Verdaguer believed in the importance of Catalan culture and language.
  • He was a strong supporter of Catalan nationalism, and he used his poetry to promote Catalan culture and identity.
  • He was also a devout Catholic, and his poetry often reflects his religious faith.

Notable Works

  • L'Atlàntida (1877)
  • Canigó (1886)
  • Els set gots de sang (1896)
  • La filla del mar (1874)
  • L'orfe dels catalans (1880)


Verdaguer's philosophy was influenced by his Catholic faith and his commitment to Catalan nationalism. He believed that Catalan culture and language were essential to the Catalan identity, and he used his poetry to promote Catalan culture and identity. He was also a strong supporter of social justice, and he often used his poetry to criticize the wealthy and powerful.

Death and Legacy

Verdaguer died in Barcelona in 1902 at the age of 57. He is remembered as one of the greatest poets of Catalan literature, and his work continues to be read and enjoyed by people all over the world. He is considered the national poet of Catalonia, and his birthday is celebrated as a national holiday.

Interesting Facts

  • Verdaguer was a self-educated man.
  • He was a devout Catholic.
  • He was a strong supporter of Catalan nationalism.
  • He was a friend of the writer Joan Maragall.
  • He is buried in the cemetery of Montjuïc in Barcelona.

Books by Jacint Verdaguer i Santaló

L' Atlàntida Cover image

L' Atlàntida

Love Epic Mythology Historical Fiction Modernist Poems Identity Classic Literature Catalan Literature

Endinsa't en un món mític i misteriós amb "L'Atlàntida" de Jacint Verdaguer i Santaló. Aquesta èpica poesia et portarà a un viatge èpic a través del temps i l'espai, mentre busques les secrets d'una terra perduda. Segueix els passos de l'heroica Isht...

Atlàntida Cover image


L'Atlàntida és un poema èpic que en el seu moment es considerà com la culminació de la recuperació de la llengua catalana com a llengua literària. Segueix la història d'un mariner genovès que se salva d'un naufragi i comença a recollir antigues histò...