
Lifetime: 1874 - 1915 Passed: ≈ 110 years ago




Jerzy Żuławski

Books by Jerzy Żuławski

Na srebrnym globie Cover image

Na srebrnym globie

Adventure Science Fiction
Religion Adventure Science Fiction Exploration Human Nature Survival social commentary Moon

A group of explorers embark on a daring mission to the dark side of the Moon, hoping to uncover its secrets and find a new home for humanity. As they face the unforgiving conditions of the alien world and their own inner demons, they must confront fu...

Zwycięzca Cover image


Adventure Action Dystopian Science Fiction
Future Revolution Space Colonization Moon Aliens Social reform Dystopian Technological Advancements Cosmic Conflicts Messianic Figure Saviour

On the moon, descendants of an earlier expedition have regressed to a tribal culture and fallen under the tyranny of the Szerns, an extraterrestrial race. However, they cling to the hope of a savior, the "Victor" who will free them from oppression. W...