John Calvin
John Calvin was a French theologian, pastor and reformer in Geneva during the Protestant Reformation. He was a principal figure in the development of the system of Christian theology later called Calvinism, including its doctrines of predestination and of God's absolute sovereignty in the salvation of the human soul from death and eternal damnation. Calvinist doctrines were influenced by and elaborated upon the Augustinian and other Christian traditions. Various Congregational, Reformed and Presbyterian churches, which look to Calvin as the chief expositor of their beliefs, have spread throughout the world.
Calvin was a tireless polemicist and apologetic writer who generated much controversy. He also exchanged cordial and supportive letters with many reformers, including Philipp Melanchthon and Heinrich Bullinger. In addition to his seminal Institutes of the Christian Religion, Calvin wrote commentaries on most books of the Bible, confessional documents, and various other theological treatises.
Calvin was originally trained as a humanist lawyer. He broke from the Roman Catholic Church around 1530. After religious tensions erupted in widespread deadly violence against Protestant Christians in France, Calvin fled to Basel, Switzerland, where in 1536 he published the first edition of the Institutes. In that same year, Calvin was recruited by Frenchman William Farel to join the Reformation in Geneva, where he regularly preached sermons throughout the week. However, the governing council of the city resisted the implementation of their ideas, and both men were expelled. At the invitation of Martin Bucer, Calvin proceeded to Strasbourg, where he became the minister of a church of French refugees. He continued to support the reform movement in Geneva, and in 1541 he was invited back to lead the church of the city.
Following his return, Calvin introduced new forms of church government and liturgy, despite opposition from several powerful families in the city who tried to curb his authority. During this period, Michael Servetus, a Spaniard regarded by both Roman Catholics and Protestants as having a heretical view of the Trinity, arrived in Geneva. He was denounced by Calvin and burned at the stake for heresy by the city council. Following an influx of supportive refugees and new elections to the city council, Calvin's opponents were forced out. Calvin spent his final years promoting the Reformation both in Geneva and throughout Europe.
Books by John Calvin

A Selection of the Most Celebrated Sermons of John Calvin
In offering this selection of Sermons to the publick, the publisher has not been governed by Sectarian principles, but has selected Sermons upon various subjects, that the reader may understand the general doctrine held forth by those eminent divines...

Scripture Texts with Expositions and Sentence-prayers from Calvin's Commentaries on the Minor Prophets
The prayers of John Calvin, however, have received little attention, as compared with the fame which crowns his theological writings. His commentaries upon Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and the minor prophets were originally delivered in the form of lec...

Two Godly and Learned Sermons
Two godly and learned sermons, made by that famous and worthy instrument in God's church, John Calvin. Which sermons were long since translated out of Latin into English, by Robert Horne late Bishop of Winchester, at what time he suffered exile from...

The Sermons upon the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Ephesians
While many of Calvin's sermons are now lost after they were sold by weight by the library of Geneva, his sermons on Ephesians have been preserved, having been translated into Early Modern English by Arthur Golding (who also translated Calvin's sermon...

A Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans
Of all commentators I believe John Calvin to be the most candid...He was no trimmer and pruner of texts. He gave their meaning as far as he knew it. His honest intention was to translate the Hebrew and the Greek originals as accurately as he possibly...

Institutes Of The Christian Religion Book 1 (Allen Translation)
In this, Calvin lays out his fundamental beliefs about the Christian faith, including the nature of God, the nature of humanity, and the means by which human beings can attain salvation. He emphasizes the sovereignty of God, arguing that God is in co...

Sermons on Psalm 119
The sermons in this book offer insights into Calvin's theology, which emphasizes the sovereignty of God and the necessity of a strong faith based on the teachings of the Bible. Through his interpretation of the psalm, Calvin encourages readers to emb...

Institutes of the Christian Religion, Books 1-4 (Allen Translation)
The book is structured as a systematic exploration of Christian doctrine, covering topics such as the nature of God, the role of the Bible in Christian life, the doctrine of the Trinity, the nature of Christ, and the means of salvation. Calvin's writ...

Commentary on the Epistle to the Philippians
Dive into the timeless wisdom of the Bible with "Commentary on the Epistle to the Philippians" by the renowned theologian John Calvin. In this illuminating work, Calvin delves into the profound insights of the Epistle to the Philippians, offering rea...

Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book 1
Institutes of the Christian Religion is a seminal work on Protestant systematic theology by John Calvin. First published in Latin in 1536 and in French in 1541, it was intended as an introductory textbook on the Protestant faith for those with some l...

Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book 2
John Calvin's *Institutes of the Christian Religion*, Book 2, delves into the central tenets of Reformed theology, focusing on the knowledge of God as Redeemer. It explores the concept of God's sovereign grace in Christ, emphasizing the believer's de...

Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book 3
Institutes of the Christian Religion is a foundational work on Protestant systematic theology written by John Calvin. It covers a wide range of theological topics, including the doctrines of the church and sacraments, justification by faith alone, an...

Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book 4
John Calvin's *Institutes of the Christian Religion* is a foundational work of Protestant systematic theology. This book, originally published in Latin in 1536 and later translated into French, presents Calvin's comprehensive interpretation of Christ...

Commentary on the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians
This work is a commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians, one of Paul's letters in the New Testament. Calvin, a prominent figure in the Protestant Reformation, offers his detailed analysis of the text, exploring its theological implications and prov...