
Lifetime: 1860 - 1941 Passed: ≈ 84 years ago




Simon Dubnow

Books by Simon Dubnow

History of the Jews in Russia and Poland, Volume I,  From the Beginning until the Death of Alexander I (1825) Cover image

History of the Jews in Russia and Poland, Volume I, From the Beginning until the Death of Alexander I (1825)

History Non-Fiction Reference work
19th century Migration Russia Holocaust Poland Social History Antisemitism Eastern Europe Jewish History Religious Persecution Cultural identity

This book delves into the multifaceted history of Jewish communities in Russia and Poland from their earliest presence until the death of Tsar Alexander I in 1825. It provides a comprehensive account of their social, cultural, and religious life, inc...

History of the Jews in Russia and Poland, Volume II, From the Death of Alexander I until the Death of Alexander III (1825 - 1894) Cover image

History of the Jews in Russia and Poland, Volume II, From the Death of Alexander I until the Death of Alexander III (1825 - 1894)

History Political Science Non-Fiction
Migration Persecution Russia Holocaust Poland Jewish Identity Jewish life Diaspora Jewish History Anti-Semitism Jewish Culture Pogroms

This book is a comprehensive history of the Jews in Russia and Poland from the death of Alexander I in 1825 to the death of Alexander III in 1894. It covers a period of great turmoil and upheaval for the Jews of Eastern Europe, as they faced increasi...

History of the Jews in Russia and Poland Volume III, From the Accession of Nicholas II until the Present Day Cover image

History of the Jews in Russia and Poland Volume III, From the Accession of Nicholas II until the Present Day

History Non-Fiction
History Migration Persecution Russia Holocaust Poland Eastern Europe Jewish History Anti-Semitism Non-Fiction Jewish Culture

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the history of Jews in Russia and Poland from the accession of Nicholas II until the present day. It examines the systematic persecution of Jews by the Russian government, as well as the impact of the Ho...