Xun Lu
Books by Xun Lu

朝花夕拾 (Chao Hua Si She)

呐喊 (Call to Arms)
"Call to Arms" is a collection of fourteen short stories written by Lu Xun, one of the most influential figures in modern Chinese literature. The stories, written between 1918 and 1922, are considered landmarks in the history of Chinese literature, a...

热风 (Hot Wind)
《热风》 is a collection of essays by Lu Xun, published between 1918 and 1924. These pieces, often short and impactful, dissect the social, cultural, and political landscape of China during a time of profound change. Xun uses sharp wit and incisive c...

阿Q正傳 (The True Story of Ah Q)
The True Story of Ah Q is a seminal work of modern Chinese literature by Lu Xun. It is an episodic novella that follows the life of Ah Q, a poverty-stricken peasant who lives in a small village in China during the early 20th century. Ah Q is a comple...

徬徨 (Wandering or Pang Huang)
“Wandering” is a collection of short stories by Lu Xun, considered one of the most important writers of modern Chinese literature. The stories explore the turmoil and anxieties of Chinese society in the early 20th century, a period marked by politica...