Essay On Criticism

Essay on Criticism

by Alexander Pope

An Essay on Criticism is a seminal work by Alexander Pope, published in 1711. It is a treatise on the principles of literary criticism, offering guidance to aspiring writers on how to cultivate good taste and judgment. Pope emphasizes the importance of following established rules and conventions of poetry while also advocating for originality and creativity. The poem is written in heroic couplets, a rhythmic and witty style that has come to be associated with Pope's work. Despite being presented as a set of instructions, the poem is infused with humor and satire, with Pope subtly poking fun at the follies and pretentions of both writers and critics.


Alexander Pope image

Alexander Pope was a towering figure in English literature, particularly during the 18th century's Augustan Age. Considered one of the greatest poets of his time, Pope excelled in satire and philosoph...

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