This memoir, written in a conversational and humorous style, offers a glimpse into the world of Bonnie Delane, a renowned silent film star. Delane, kn...
This book is a captivating blend of horror and mystery, set in the rural landscapes of Sussex. The story revolves around two unsettling disappearances...
Tragic Muse is a novel that explores the complexities of ambition, love, and the pursuit of artistic fulfillment in late 19th century London. The stor...
This novelization of Sir Arthur Pinero's stage play follows the rapid ascent of a young and captivating musical comedy actress. Her hit song, "Mind th...
This compelling autobiography chronicles the life of Anna Cora Mowatt Ritchie, a trailblazing actress who defied societal norms in pre-Civil War Ameri...
Dans ses mémoires, Sarah Bernhardt, une des plus grandes actrices de son temps, relate son enfance, sa famille, ses débuts dans le monde théâtral et s...