This poem tells the story of a couple reflecting on their life together, reminiscing about their marriage and the home they shared. As they look back...
The Sturdy Oak is a composite novel written by fourteen leading American authors in 1917. The novel was intended to raise funds for the suffrage cause...
This collection of short stories showcases Edna Ferber's talent for crafting vivid characters and relatable narratives. Set in midwestern towns, the s...
Sherwood Anderson's collection of short stories and poems explore themes of personal growth, disillusionment, loneliness, and the contrast between urb...
William McKendree Carleton, a renowned American poet, captured the essence of rural life in his works. 'Apples Growing' is a collection of poems that...
This collection of poems by Will Carleton delves into the everyday experiences of rural American life. The poems often depict the simple joys, struggl...
This collection of poems by Edgar A. Guest, known as the 'people's poet,' delves into the essence of everyday American life. It celebrates the traditi...
In 'Powder of Sympathy,' Christopher Morley offers a collection of insightful and witty essays exploring the life and work of a newspaper columnist. T...