This is the story of seven incorrigible children living near Sydney in the 1880’s with their military-man father, and a stepmother who is scarcely old...
This book is an account of Watkin Tench's experiences as an officer of the British Marines in the First Fleet to settle New South Wales (NSW). It prov...
'Ships that Won't Go Down' is an anthology of short stories by renowned Australian writer Henry Lawson. Set against the backdrop of the Australian out...
This volume of poetry by Henry Lawson, a renowned Australian poet, offers a glimpse into the life and times of Australia around the turn of the 20th c...
This classic of Australian history provides an intelligent and humane description of life in the Sydney colony from its earliest days. Watkin Tench sa...
This book presents a captivating account of Sydney's early history, from its colonial beginnings to the turn of the 20th century. Written in an anecdo...