The Pioneers follows the Cameron family, free settlers who establish a cattle operation in the rugged Gippsland region of Victoria. The novel explores...
This collection presents the 'Bush Debate,' a series of satirical poems written by Andrew Barton Paterson and other notable Australian poets in the ea...
'Ships that Won't Go Down' is an anthology of short stories by renowned Australian writer Henry Lawson. Set against the backdrop of the Australian out...
'Shame of Going Back' is a poignant short story by Henry Lawson, a renowned Australian author. It explores the themes of shame, regret, and the conse...
This book, 'Picture' by Victor Daley, is a collection of poems by the Australian poet. Daley was a prominent figure in the late 19th and early 20th ce...
Henry Lawson's 'Men Who Live It Down' is a collection of poems and prose that reflects the hardships and resilience of Australian working-class life,...
The 'Coo-ee Reciter' is a collection of texts published in 1904, showcasing a range of recitations and readings from Australian, British, and American...
Henry Lawson's "Outside Track" is a collection of short stories and poems that vividly capture the lives of ordinary Australians during the late 19th...
This collection, a snapshot of Henry Lawson's early work, showcases the distinctive voice and themes that would define his career. It features a blend...
This collection of 18 recordings by LibriVox volunteers presents Henry Lawson's classic poem, "The Pride That Comes After." Lawson, an Australian writ...