It is a Gothic novel that tells the story of Harriet Brandt, a beautiful but mysterious woman who possesses supernatural powers. Published in 1897, th...
Behind the facade of high society lies a captivating tale of forbidden desires, dangerous liaisons, and a woman's quest for personal happiness in "The...
"What would the Moon say to the Sun if she could speak?"
In this beautiful and thought-provoking poem, Alice Meynell imagines a conversation between...
One of the so-called "Chronicles of Carlingford", of which there were two short stories and five novels written from 1861 to 1876 by Margaret Oliphant...
This collection of poems, "Songs Ysame," was a collaborative effort between sisters Albion Fellows Bacon and Annie Fellows Johnston. Known for their d...
This collection of three science fiction stories from the 1960s by Keith Laumer includes "A Bad Day for Vermin," "The King of the City," and "Doorstep...
This collection of poems by C. Maurice Stebbins features a dark and somber titular Christmas poem alongside a variety of shorter pieces that explore d...