Harry Fleming, an American Boy Scout, finds himself in England when his father's business takes him abroad. He joins a local Boy Scout troop and meets...
This book, written under the pseudonym Herbert Carter, follows the Silver Fox Patrol of Boy Scouts as they embark on a camping trip in the Blue Ridge...
Dale Tompkins, a young boy eager to prove his worth, joins the Boy Scouts and embarks on a journey filled with adventures and challenges. As a Tenderf...
This story follows Fred Waring, a young American Boy Scout, who is thrown out of Russia by a powerful relative. He encounters his Russian cousin, Bori...
This book follows the Silver Fox Patrol of Boy Scouts as they embark on a camping trip in the Maine woods. Their adventure includes learning about hun...
The Silver Fox Patrol, a group of Boy Scouts, embark on a thrilling expedition to the Rockies. Their journey is fraught with danger as they encounter...
Pee-wee Harris is a young boy who loves to go on scouting adventures. In this book, he and his friends go on a camping trip to Bridgeboro. But things...
This book tells the story of Walter Upton, a young boy who joins a Boy Scout camp focused on developing character and wilderness skills. Through his...