When Horace Ventimore stumbles upon a magical brass bottle on a construction site, he inadvertently releases an ancient genie named Fakrash. Fakrash,...
Oh! Can You Leave Your Native Land? is a collection of poems by Susanna Moodie, a Scottish immigrant who settled in Canada in the 1830s. The poems exp...
This autobiography recounts the transformative journey of Marcus Eli Ravage, an immigrant who arrived in the United States from Romania in 1900. From...
L'homme à l'oreille cassée est une œuvre satirique d'Edmond About qui suit les aventures d'un colonel français, ressuscité après un long sommeil. Aprè...
Pan Balcer w Brazylii is a compelling and moving novel that explores the complexities of immigration and the search for a new home. It is a story of l...
Technical Error is a science fiction novel by Hal Clement. The story follows a group of human engineers who are tasked with repairing an alien spacesh...