Colonel Ashley, a man with a keen eye for detail and a passion for fishing, finds himself immersed in a perplexing murder mystery. When the owner of a...
In 'Orange-Yellow Diamond,' J.S. Fletcher weaves a classic mystery tale set in the opulent world of London society. A young novelist, struggling to ma...
Set in the British Raj, 'Colonel Thorndyke's Secret' follows the repercussions of a stolen diamond bracelet taken from a Hindu idol. The theft ignites...
Arsène Lupin contre Herlock Sholmès est un recueil de deux histoires courtes qui présentent la rencontre entre le gentleman cambrioleur Arsène Lupin e...
The Diamond Sutra, a foundational Buddhist text, presents a dialogue between the Buddha and his disciple Subhuti. It explores key Buddhist concepts li...