Kabumpo in Oz follows the arrival of a wise and kind old elephant named Kabumpo in the Land of Oz. He becomes involved in a series of events involvin...
Memoirs of a White Elephant is a unique and captivating tale told from the perspective of Iravata, a revered White Elephant in the kingdom of Siam. Th...
In Jules Verne's 'Steam House', a group of adventurers embark on a journey across India in a train powered by a steam-driven elephant named Behemoth....
This heartwarming children's story follows the adventures of Tum Tum, a kind and jolly elephant who lives in the jungle. Tum Tum is always eager to h...
This book, a collection of Ugandan folktales, offers a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of the Baganda people. Compiled by Rosetta Baskerville,...