Danger Trail is a captivating novel set in the rugged wilderness of northern Canada. Jack Howland, a skilled engineer, faces a daunting task: buildin...
This book provides a glimpse into the world of trains, specifically steam engines, in early 20th-century America. It describes the daily life and work...
Orpheus in de dessa is a novel that explores the complex relationship between a Dutch engineer and the mystical allure of the Dutch East Indies. The e...
When a wealthy but stingy man dies, he leaves behind a hidden treasure trove of gold. His will, however, includes cryptic clues that lead to the fortu...
The Castle of the Carpathians is a gothic novel by Jules Verne, published in 1892. The story is set in the Carpathian Mountains of Transylvania and fo...
Joe Vickers, a young man from humble beginnings, works diligently on the railroad. Starting as a Wiper, he rises through the ranks to become a Fireman...