When Patty Went to College is a light-hearted novel that chronicles the adventures of Patty Wyatt, a spirited and unconventional student navigating he...
This book, the third in the series, follows the escapades of Letitia Carberry and her elderly lady friends as they navigate their golden years with hu...
The story follows the adventures of Chunder Bindabun Bhosh, a well-meaning but often hilariously misguided gentleman from Bengal who travels to Englan...
The book follows the adventures of three middle-aged women as they embark on a road trip across the United States. The women, Tish, Aggie, and Lizzie,...
This charming novel follows the adventures of Nell, a young orphan living with her grandfather in a shop filled with unique and intriguing objects. Se...
Betty Wales, a spirited and engaging young woman, returns to Harding College for her sophomore year. Now residing in the Belden House, she navigates t...