''Bizarre'' by Lawton Mackall is a collection of humorous essays that offer a fresh and insightful perspective on ordinary objects and events. Through...
This poem, written by the renowned Victorian humorist Thomas Hood, tells the story of Sally Simpkin, a young woman whose beloved cat, John Jones, trag...
Published in 1877, "Cooking Manual of Practical Directions for Economical Every-Day Cookery" by Juliet Corson is a comprehensive guide to home cooking...
Beatrice Bradshaw Brown's "Paris Pair, Their Day's Doings" is a collection of poems that capture the essence of a day in the lives of two children in...
Roast Beef by Gertrude Stein is a prose poem that is part of her book Tender Buttons, a collection of experimental poems that explore the nature of la...
Stephen Leacock's *Garden of Folly* is a collection of essays that reflect the wit and insightful observations of this celebrated Canadian humorist. P...