The novel has two main plots; one set in the real world at the time the book was published (the Victorian era), the other in the fictional world of Fa...
A young man named Anodos experiences dream-like adventures in Fairy Land, where he meets tree-spirits, endures the presence of the overwhelming shadow...
Gold of Fairnilee is a classic fairy tale set in Scotland. Randal Ker, the son of a Scottish knight, makes a rash wish at a wishing well to see the F...
Rainbow Cat, a whimsical tale for young readers, follows the adventures of a uniquely colored cat living in Fairyland. With its violet nose, indigo e...
This book follows the adventures of Puss in Boots, Jr. as he navigates the fantastical world of Fairyland. Aimed at young readers, the story likely i...
A collection of broad-ranging, mostly American stories and poems for children by various authors. Topics include history, war, school, everyday life,...