The House of White Shadows by B. L. Farjeon is a gripping story of suspense and moral conflict. The protagonist, a defense attorney, finds himself def...
Set against the backdrop of a stormy night, "Entrapped" follows Zoe Blount's life as she navigates complex family ties and a compelling mystery. The s...
This book offers comprehensive insight into the traditional methods of researching and compiling a family history, emphasizing the significance of emp...
„Ahnen - Das Nest der Zaunkönige“ by Gustav Freytag, set in the year 1003 during the reign of Emperor Henry II, follows the interwoven destinies of a...
Úrsula, a poignant novel by Maria Firmina dos Reis, explores the complex social landscape of 19th century Brazil through the lives of Úrsula and Tancr...
In 'Drop in Infinity', two young individuals, Jack Thorpe and Marjorie Matthews, find themselves swept into a parallel world, dubbed Marjorie-land, af...