
Lifetime: 1816 - 1895 Passed: ≈ 130 years ago




Gustav Freytag

Books by Gustav Freytag

Ahnen, Bd. I.1 Ingo Cover image

Ahnen, Bd. I.1 Ingo

Romance Adventure Fiction History
Krieger Liebe Geschichte Römer Familie Konflikt Mythologie Völkerwanderung Germanen Thüringen Fremde Verfolgung

Der Roman "Ingo" ist der Auftakt zu Gustav Freytags sechsbändigem Epos "Die Ahnen". Er erzählt die Geschichte des Vandalenprinzen Ingo, der im Jahr 357 von den Römern aus seiner Heimat vertrieben wird. Er findet Zuflucht bei einem Freund seines Vater...

Ahnen, Bd. I.2 Ingraban Cover image

Ahnen, Bd. I.2 Ingraban

Adventure Novel Religion
Historical Fiction Christianity Middle Ages German Literature Paganism Epic Poetry Religious conversion Christianization Missionary Work Germanic history Saxony Sorbs

The story is set in 8th-century Germany and follows the adventures of Ingraban, a young Saxon warrior. Ingraban is a brave and skilled fighter, but he is also a kind and compassionate man. When his beloved is captured by the Sorbs, a pagan tribe, Ing...

Ahnen - Das Nest der Zaunkönige Cover image

Ahnen - Das Nest der Zaunkönige

Drama Novel
Historical Fiction Political Intrigue Monastery Family Saga German History Feudalism Religious life Abbey Power Struggles Medieval Germany Family History Thuringia

„Ahnen - Das Nest der Zaunkönige“ by Gustav Freytag, set in the year 1003 during the reign of Emperor Henry II, follows the interwoven destinies of a family in Thuringia. The story centers on Immo, a young man destined for the priesthood who flees th...

Ahnen - Die Brüder vom deutschen Hause Cover image

Ahnen - Die Brüder vom deutschen Hause

Adventure Fiction History Drama
Family History Revenge Honor Loss Betrayal Crusades German Literature Feudalism Medieval Germany Holy Land Knights Templar

In 'Die Brüder vom deutschen Hause', the third installment of Gustav Freytag's 'Die Ahnen' series, the protagonist Ivo, a young knight, embarks on a journey to the Holy Land with the Teutonic Order, following the call of Emperor Frederick II. Upon hi...

Ahnen - Marcus König Cover image

Ahnen - Marcus König

Fiction Novel
Social Mobility Humanism Prussia Martin Luther Thorn Artushof Polish King King Sigismund I Hochmeister Albrecht von Brandenburg-Ansbach Regulus Anna Fabritius Kursachsen Landsknechtshaufen Fähnrich Henner Ingersleben German Order

This historical novel is set in the time of Martin Luther and follows the lives of two men: Marcus König, a wealthy patrician, and Georg König, his young son. Marcus König is a supporter of the German Order, but he becomes disillusioned with their ru...

Ahnen - Die Geschwister Cover image

Ahnen - Die Geschwister

Romance Fiction Drama War
Family Love War Military Religion Fate Destiny Conflict Germany 17th Century Brotherhood Choice

Die fünfte Erzählung der Ahnen-Reihe von Gustav Freytag, "Die Geschwister", folgt den Schicksalen zweier Brüder aus der Familie König. Bernhard Georg König, Sohn des Rittmeisters von Alt-Rosen, dient als Feldprediger während des Dreißigjährigen Krieg...