In this captivating mystery, Violet Strange, a brilliant and resourceful detective, embarks on a thrilling quest to solve the enigma of a missing page...
Hilda Wade, A Woman With Tenacity of Purpose by Grant Allen is an early detective novel featuring the capable nurse Hilda Wade. When she arrives at th...
Lady Molly of Scotland Yard is a collection of short stories featuring the eponymous Lady Molly, an early example of a female detective in fiction. Cr...
Set in the bustling 1920s New York City, "Girl at Central" follows Molly Morganthau, a day operator at the telephone exchange. When a murder occurs, M...
In Volume II of the Clara Vaughan trilogy, the determined heroine continues her tireless pursuit of unraveling the truth behind her father's murder, a...
Set in a picturesque English country manor during a lively house party, "That Affair at Portstead Manor" plunges readers into a captivating web of mys...
Considered a masterpiece of detective fiction, Anna Katharine Green's "The Gramercy Park Murder" introduces the unforgettable character of Amelia Butt...
'Caja de amatista' es una novela de misterio clásica escrita por Anna Katharine Green, considerada la madre de las novelas de detectives. La novela si...
Penny Parker, an amateur reporter and teen-aged sleuth, finds herself in the midst of a complex mystery when her father, the editor of the local newsp...