'Twas the Night Before Christmas', also known as 'A Visit from St. Nicholas', is a beloved Christmas poem that tells the story of Santa Claus's visit...
'The Christmas Tree' is a poem written for children, originally published in Alice Maude Kellogg's collection 'Christmas Entertainments'. The poem li...
'Good Cheer Stories Every Child Should Know' is a collection of heartwarming tales curated by Asa Don Dickinson, designed to instill a sense of gratit...
This collection of short stories, poems, and non-fiction pieces celebrates the spirit of Christmas through diverse voices and perspectives. The anthol...
This collection of Christmas stories and poems, published in 1895, offers a glimpse into Victorian-era holiday traditions and storytelling. The anthol...
Christmas Fancies is a collection of poems by Ella Wheeler Wilcox, a prominent American poet of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Wilcox's work...
This book presents a collection of Easter poems written by Louisa Parsons Stone Hopkins. The poems explore the religious and cultural significance of...