Impartiality is a poem by James Russell Lowell that explores the dangers of bias and the importance of impartiality in decision-making. Lowell argues...
“Departed Days” is a collection of essays and poems by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., a prominent American physician, writer, and member of the Fireside...
The Frost Spirit is a poem by John Greenleaf Whittier, first published in 1840. The poem is set in a winter landscape, and describes the arrival of a...
Christmas Carmen is a poem by John Greenleaf Whittier that celebrates the Christmas season with a focus on faith, hope, and the spirit of giving. Writ...
John Greenleaf Whittier's "Inner Life" offers a collection of poems reflecting his deep commitment to social justice, particularly the abolition of sl...
John Greenleaf Whittier, a prominent American Quaker poet and abolitionist, was known for his powerful anti-slavery writings. This book, 'Mystery', de...
“To a Blank Sheet of Paper” is a poem by Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr., reflecting on the creative process and the blank page's potential. Written in a c...
This collection of poems by William Cullen Bryant, a prominent figure in early American literature, showcases his mastery of the Romantic style. Bryan...