In the perplexing mystery of 31 New Inn, a baffling case of double wills and suspicious circumstances unfolds. Dr. John Thorndyke, the astute forensic...
Professor Craig Kennedy, often called the "American Sherlock Holmes," utilizes cutting-edge scientific methods to unravel intricate mysteries alongsid...
In diesem Roman von Arthur Conan Doyle treffen wir zum ersten Mal auf den genialen Detektiv Sherlock Holmes und seinen treuen Freund Dr. Watson. Die G...
In the heart of the night, Dr. Humphrey Jardine stumbles upon a lifeless body during a solitary walk near Hampstead Heath. However, when he returns to...
This book, penned by a seasoned detective with extensive experience in private investigation agencies, serves as a practical guide for aspiring detect...
Hans Gross's "Criminal Investigation" is a foundational work in the field of criminology, offering a comprehensive guide to investigative techniques....
This volume, the third and final part of Hans Gross's groundbreaking work on criminal investigation, delves deeper into the practical aspects of crime...
This collection of stories features the brilliant detective John Thorndyke, known for his sharp mind and scientific methods. Each case presents a comp...
The Singing Bone, originally published as The Adventures of Dr. Thorndyke, is a classic mystery novel by R. Austin Freeman. The story follows the bril...