Lady into Fox is a haunting and enigmatic novel that explores the complexities of human relationships and the boundaries of love and acceptance. Sylvi...
FictionFairy TaleDramaTragedyChildren's Literature
Gon, a young fox, befriends a boy named 兵十 (Hyakujū) during wartime. Their friendship flourishes as they share food and laughter in the secluded cou...
In the beloved Green Forest, a mysterious newcomer arrives - the cunning and mischievous Old Man Coyote. Join the residents as they navigate encounter...
Sharp Eyes, the Silver Fox is a classic tale of adventure and survival. The story follows a young silver fox named Sharp Eyes as he learns to navigate...
This collection of short stories features a cast of charming animal characters such as the Funny Fox, the Happy Hare, the Willful Wolf, and the Carefu...
This book tells the story of Little Jack Rabbit, a young bunny who goes on many exciting adventures. He meets a variety of animal friends along the w...