Patience (Bunthorne's Bride) is a comic operetta by W.S. Gilbert that satirizes Victorian societal norms, particularly the obsession with fashion and...
This collection of humorous verse, known as 'Bab Ballads,' explores the challenges and perplexities of managing people and situations with a whimsical...
'Usher's Charge' is a collection of lyrics originally composed for the Savoy Operas, a series of comic operas written by W.S. Gilbert and composed by...
This book presents a spoken "poetic" version of the libretto for the popular Gilbert and Sullivan operetta, *The Gondoliers*. It features a full cast...
This collection of light verse, originally published in *Bab Ballads* and *Savoy Songs*, presents a selection of satirical and whimsical poems by W.S....
This charming adaptation of the classic Gilbert and Sullivan operetta, *H.M.S. Pinafore*, is a delightful read for children and adults alike. Written...