This book chronicles the Canadian Corps' involvement in the final 100 days of World War I. It follows their advance from Amiens to Mons, detailing the...
‘Amazing Interlude’ is a captivating tale that unfolds during the early days of World War I. It follows the journey of Sara Lee, a young woman whose p...
In 'My Own Story,' Emmeline Pankhurst, a leading figure in the British women's suffrage movement, recounts her experiences in the fight for women's ri...
In this final installment of the Peggy Raymond series, the characters navigate the post-war era, focusing on personal lives and the challenges of youn...
Set in 1914, "Rising of the Tide" follows the lives of the residents of Sabinsport, a small Midwestern town in the United States, as they grapple with...
'Ardours and Endurances' is a collection of war poems by Robert Nichols, written during and after his service in the British Army during World War I....
Digger Smith is a moving and poignant collection of poems about an Australian soldier returning home from the Great War. The poems explore the physica...
This collection of short stories, published in 1921, explores the experiences of ordinary people during the Great War. The stories range in tone from...
The Silver Fox patrol is on a boat, quietly traveling on the Rhine from Mainz. Bumpus' mother is sick in Antwerp, and they are trying to visit her. Of...
The prevailing mood of the book is elegiac. The foreground action takes place on a single day, some years after the Great War has ended, in the rural...