''Wandering Ghosts'' is a collection of seven chilling tales by Francis Marion Crawford, a master of suspense and gothic horror. The stories delve int...
Elliott O'Donnell's Some Haunted Houses of England and Wales delves into the eerie and unsettling history of various haunted buildings in England and...
Noted for his vivid imagery and ability to evoke a sense of unease, Algernon Blackwood's 'Empty House and Other Ghost Stories' is a collection of chil...
This collection of short stories by E.F. Benson explores the themes of the supernatural and the uncanny. Set primarily in England, the tales often fea...
In "Ghost Hunters" by Allen Upward, Mr. Hargreaves, a real estate agent, finds himself navigating a world of haunted properties. His encounters with...
Violet Tweedale's "Ghosts I Have Seen, and other Psychic Experiences" is a collection of 34 fact-based testimonials of the author's psychic experience...