The Autobiography of a Super-Tramp is a fascinating and insightful account of the life of a tramp in the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States...
'Three Rulers' is a collection of poems by Adelaide Anne Procter, a prominent Victorian poet known for her work on social issues and her commitment to...
'Rhymes for the Nursery' by Jane and Ann Taylor is a collection of poems designed for young children. The poems impart moral lessons through simple, e...
Henry Mayhew's "London Labour and the London Poor" is a monumental work of social observation and reportage that provides a detailed and unflinching l...
The book follows Ben, a young boy who runs away from home and must learn to survive on the streets. He finds work as a luggage boy at a wharf, and bef...
Down in Water Street is an account of the experiences of Samuel Hopkins Hadley, the Superintendent of the Jerry McAuley Water Street Mission, during h...