Willie Spence, a beloved, eccentric inventor, lives a quiet life on Cape Cod, surrounded by his gadgets and his devoted housekeeper, Celestina. His wo...
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the life of Benjamin Franklin, one of the most influential figures in American history. It covers his e...
AdventureFictionScience FictionChildren's Literature
In 'Submarine Boys' Trial Trip,' young Jack Benson, a sixteen-year-old boy, finds himself at the helm of a revolutionary torpedo submarine, the Pollar...
'Mentor: Benjamin Franklin' by Albert Bushnell Hart provides a concise overview of the life and accomplishments of one of America's most influential F...
The novel "Zwierciadlana Zagadka" follows the story of Cezary, a impoverished man who claims to be working on a revolutionary invention. The narrativ...
This biography offers a comprehensive look at the life of Benjamin Franklin, one of America's most celebrated Founding Fathers. From his humble beginn...